The King of Lies, the Adversary himself, uses pornography and the sex industry to slowly steal away peoples souls. But he does it slowly and astutely so that you don't recognize it until it's too late. It's a multi-billion dollar industry which drives people to produce it, star in it, exploit it and sell it to unassuming people who don't think or know that, like drugs and alcohol, can become addicted to it.
Before I get too far ahead of my self, let me explain why I have made this decision to become an advocate against this evil. You might have assumed that it's because I have been affected by pornography in someway, and you would be right. It has brought serious consequences to me and my innocent children, and we are still experiencing the effects of the choices our loved one has made. My main purpose however, in advocating against pornography, is to testify that healing can occur and that people who choose to participate in pornography in any shape or form, can be freed from the chains that it ensnares you in and that loved ones too can find peace and healing and family relationships can be saved. The same is true for any type of addiction that tears people apart, ruins relationships, and destroys lives.
I would like to start my blog with a message of hope. I will over time be sharing my story with you along with news, statistics, videos and information on how and where people can get help, and we'll see where this goes. I just had to get it started today so that I wouldn't delay my promise to God. My hope is that someone will benefit from hearing my experience, whether you are a person addicted to pornography or a loved one suffering because of another's addiction to it, there is hope!